GOP Civil War: Fox Says Gianforte Broke His Promise To Montanans

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Montana Republicans warned the gubernatorial candidates not to attack each other but apparently Attorney General Tim Fox didn’t get that memo.
Several prominent Montana Republicans, including a former chair of the Montana Republican Party, worried that a contentious GOP primary would leave the eventual nominee wounded for the general.
Well, that warning was ignored. When Rep. Gianforte entered the gubernatorial race, Tim Fox’s campaign attacked him, saying he was “abandoning his constituents.”
Now it’s getting worse. Fox is ramping up his attacks on Gianforte, saying that Gianforte broke his promise to Montanans by running for governor. Fox slammed Gianforte as “unelectable” since he had to spend $6 million in his own money only to lose the governor’s race in 2016.
The race is already getting started and the Republican mudslinging has just begun.
“The blows have already begun in the Montana Republican primary,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “The Montana GOP infighting will expose both candidates’ flaws and do lasting damage to the party’s nominee. Montana Republicans are deeply divided—and it’s only going to get nastier from here.”