GOP Civil War: Amanda Chase Renews Threat to Run As An Independent If She Loses “Rigged” Convention

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VA GOP frontrunner Amanda Chase doubled down on her threat to run as an independent in an interview yesterday, setting up a nasty fight for the Trump base from now until November – something sure to doom Republicans’ prospects of winning statewide in 2021. Chase reupped her concerns the convention would be “rigged” against her, saying: “If it’s not fair, I’ll run as an independent.”

Chase, who fought for a primary, cited concerns with the messy convention process, which has been an absolute trainwreck:

The VA GOP has been a complete “train wreck” this year, and their long list of mediocre candidates for governor are in a battle to prove their loyalty to Donald Trump. Regardless of who comes out on top – Chase has made it clear she’s going to be on the ballot in November no matter what. And adding to the chaos – former GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman has tossed around the idea of his own independent bid, calling the VA GOP “a raging dumpster fire.”

Party leaders have expressed their frustration with the messy nomination fight, saying when Republicans are divided, “they have no shot of winning.”

“Amanda Chase seems to have already decided this convention is rigged – so it looks like Republicans could have a spoiler on the ballot this November,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Even if Chase chooses not to run as an independent, the Virginia GOP is probably doomed – all seven of their candidates are too extreme for Virginia and are out of touch with the commonwealth. Regardless of who ends up on the ballot, we’re confident Virginia will elect another Democratic governor.”