From the Chair's Desk: Walker isn't Working

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Another monthly jobs report, another month of jobs lost under Scott Walker in Wisconsin – 4,300 in the private sector in March alone. While most states gained jobs over the last year, Wisconsin lost over 20,000 – and has ranked dead last in job creation out of all fifty states over the past year.
While Democratic governors across he country have been focused on creating jobs and expanding opportunity,Walkerhas chosen to focus on a divisive ideological agenda that includes rolling back workers’ rights, women’s rights, and voting rights. While Walker’s overreach hasn’t created the kind of economic growth working men and women in WI are counting on, he has gone even further to undermine economic security for Wisconsin families by signing a repeal of the state’s equal pay law, which made it easier for women seeking action against discriminatory pay to have their day in court. Women on WI make 75 cents for every dollar their male coworkers take home – even less than the national average.Walker’s justification for repealing the law? He claimed that pay discrimination cases would “clog up” the state’s legal system.
Let’s be clear – there is nothing frivolous about women having to fight to earn equal pay for equal work in the 21st century. Wisconsin ranks 50th in job creation – 43 slots behind Maryland. On June 5, the citizens ofWisconsin have the opportunity to fire Scott Walker and replace him with a governor who will prioritize job creation and economic security for all of Wisconsin’s families. They should take it.
Jobs. Opportunity. Now,

Martin O’Malley