Florida Governor Using Rauner’s Campaign Message to Steal Illinois Jobs

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Rauner Reelection Campaign off to a Strange Start

After bashing Illinois’ economy for three years as governor, Bruce Rauner launched his reelection campaign by teaming up with out-of-state governors to attack Illinois’ economy. Rauner’s new ad skirts over the fact he’s been governor since 2015 and deflects any responsibilities for his failures.

Just hours later, Florida Governor Rick Scott announced he would come to Chicago in an attempt to lure away jobs. Gov. Scott parroted Rauner’s campaign message and joined in bashing Illinois’ economy – all while calling on companies to set up shop in Florida. Scott praised Gov. Rauner, without mentioning his two-year budget crisis, and said states need to follow Florida’s lead “but until then, we will keep calling on businesses to move to Florida.” Scott wrote “That is why I will be leading an economic development mission to Chicago to meet with site selectors and job creators and encourage them to move to and invest in Florida.” 

All of this begs the question – is Governor Rauner okay with this?  

“Bruce Rauner’s campaign message is being used by out-of-state governors to steal Illinois jobs,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner may think it’s a good reelection strategy to highlight the lack of job growth under his failed leadership, but now his rhetoric could hurt middle-class workers even more. Rauner needs to stop putting his reelection before the needs of Illinois families.”