Florida Bans ObamaCare Counselors from Helping People Get Health Care

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We already knew that Republican governors were doing everything in their power to sabotage ObamaCare. 
What we didn’t realize is just how far they would go to prevent President Obama’s signature law from succeeding. Florida’s Gov. Rick Scott’s Department of Health has issued a directive banning federally-funded “navigators”–counselors assigned to help people with health insurance questions–from doing outreach in county health departments.
This outrageous act of blatant obstruction goes beyond anything else we’ve seen to date. Gov. Scott has shown he is willing to actively inhibit residents of his state from receiving health care.
Sign the petition at the right to demand that Gov. Scott order his health department to stop obstructing ObamaCare!

Florida Takes Obamacare Obstruction To Whole New Level

The Florida Department of Health took a big step toward obstructing Obamacare outreach this week — then almost immediately walked it back Thursday, at least in one of the state’s biggest counties.
The state health department quietly sent a directive Monday to local county health departments, telling them that Obamacare’s so-called navigators — federally funded groups that are charged with helping people sign up for coverage under the law — would not be allowed to do outreach in their offices.
“Navigators will not conduct activities on the grounds of the health departments,” the state directive read. It also said that county health departments could accept information from Navigators and provide it to citizens, if citizens asked for it. “If citizens request informations about the Navigators’ operations, health department staff may provide those materials as well as direct citizens to the appropriate location or contact number for additional assistance,” the directive said.
Within a few days, navigators were pushing back. The Pinellas County Board of Commissioners, which received its own $600,000 navigator grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is the only county in the state to receive navigator funding, had planned to hire 15 navigators through the health department and have them work out of the department’s offices.
Read the full article at Talking Points Memo here.