Every State, Every Vote: Trump Campaign Pollsters Find Broad Support for Vote-By-Mail

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76% of Voters Favor No-Excuse Absentee Voting, 78% Say Federal Government Should Provide Additional Election Funding to States

A new poll released by Trump campaign pollsters Fabrizio, Lee & Associates found more evidence that Americans strongly support vote-by-mail and access to safe in-person polling stations. 76% of voters said they “favor keeping polling locations open and also giving all voters the option to vote absentee.”
The poll also found broad support for increased election funding – 78% of voters said “it’s important for the federal government to provide additional funding to states and counties to cover the increased costs of conducting elections due to the Coronavirus outbreak.”
Every State, Every Vote Co-Chairs Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and Stacey Abrams have been fighting for additional federal funding for vote-by-mail and safe in-person voting provisions. They called on Congress to provide an additional $4 billion in election assistance to the states, and Gov. Brown wrote an op-ed in Newsweek calling for expanded vote-by-mail.
“Americans overwhelmingly favor access to vote-by-mail and safe in-person polling locations,” said Every State, Every State Co-Chair Gov. Kate Brown. “The new evidence from President Trump’s pollsters shows that this is not a partisan issue. The federal government needs to provide the states with election assistance to ensure that every state can hold elections without endangering anyone’s health. Americans should not have to choose between their safety and their fundamental right to vote. Every State, Every Vote is committed to helping governors eliminate chaos and public health risks at the polls in November.”
Learn how Democratic governors are fighting for free and fair elections at EveryStateEveryVote.com.