Every State, Every Vote: Gov. John Bel Edwards Urges Participation in the 2020 Census

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Democratic Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards yesterday urged Louisiana residents to participate in next year’s census. In 2010, less than half of New Orleans’ population responded to the census survey – leaving thousands of people underrepresented at the state and federal level.
Gov. Edwards signed an executive order in December creating the Louisiana Complete Count Committee to boost awareness of and participation in the 2020 census. On the line is not only billions of dollars in state funding for things like schools and hospitals but the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives and the data used to draw political maps. 
Read more about Gov. Edwards’ census efforts below and learn how Democratic governors are fighting for a complete count at EveryStateEveryVote.com.
WVLA: CENSUS 2020: Louisiana leaders count on decennial tally
Louisiana’s governor has launched an advisory panel in a push to include as many state residents as possible in the 2020 U.S. Census.
The Louisiana Complete Count Committee adds Louisiana to the list of 45 other states running a census awareness campaign this year. Gov. John Bel Edwards signed an executive order creating the 23-member group of community, government and business leaders in December.
“Their work will shape the future of Louisiana for the next decade to come and we all must play our part to make sure no Louisiana resident is unrepresented,” Edwards said Tuesday.
KLFY: Millions in federal funds for Louisiana riding on the 2020 census count
Today Louisiana averages 15 billion dollars a year in federal funds. But that’s largely based on 2010 stats. Governor John Bel Edwards is forming a twenty-one-person group of civic leaders to make sure what the state gets reflects how many people actually live here.
“They may be homeless, they may be poor. They may move frequently. That’s why we have to do everything we can to get all of these hard to count people counted.”