Every State, Every Vote: Gov. Evers Announces Selection Process For Nonpartisan Commission Tasked With Redrawing Congressional Maps

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Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers yesterday announced the official application and selection processes for the People’s Maps Commission – a nonpartisan commission entrusted with drawing impartial and fair congressional maps after the 2020 Census that the governor created by executive order in January.

Since 2011, Wisconsin has had gerrymandered maps designed by Republicans wanting to keep their hold on power rather than offer fair and equal representation. But more than 70 percent of Wisconsinites said they prefer to have redistricting conducted by a nonpartisan commission.

Gov. Evers emphasized the need for impartially drawn district lines. The governor said this commission would not be “a Democratic or Republican redistricting commission,” but rather a fair one serving the people of Wisconsin.

Read more about Gov. Evers’ executive order below and learn how Democratic governors are fighting for fair and accurate representation at EveryStateEveryVote.com.

Associated Press: Evers Picks Retired Judges to Select Redistricting Panel

Democratic Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday picked three retired judges to select members of a nonpartisan redistricting commission he created to draw legislative and congressional boundary maps following this year’s census.


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Tony Evers’ redistricting commission launched with a panel of 3 retired judges to review applications

A redistricting commission created by Gov. Tony Evers to draw new legislative maps next year is taking shape. 

Evers on Thursday began accepting applications for members of the panel and announced three retired judges would pick them. 

Nine people, including at least one from each of the state’s eight congressional districts, will serve on the commission by gathering public input and crafting new maps for the Legislature following the release of the 2020 U.S. Census.  


Wisconsin State Journal: Gov. Tony Evers appoints judges to select members of redistricting commission, application process opens

Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday announced a panel of three retired judges — representing a mix of former appointees by both Democratic and Republican governors — to select the members of a nonpartisan redistricting commission.

In addition, Evers launched the application and selection process for a nine-member People’s Maps Commission, which aims to present maps to the Legislature for consideration after completion of the 2020 Census.
