Every State, Every Vote: Missouri Gov. Parson Continues to Block Voter’s Will on Redistricting

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In case you missed it, last week GOP Missouri Gov. Mike Parson doubled down on his attempts to block Missourians’ wishes for a fair legislative redistricting process
In 2018, Missouri voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment that would establish an independent, nonpartisan process to draw legislative maps. But immediately after passage, Parson and his GOP allies started up the fight to block it. Now, Gov. Parson is saying that Missourians were confused about what they were voting for
Parson’s Democratic challenger, State Auditor Nicole Galloway, is calling out Parson’s outrageous attempts to block the amendment, saying that the “will of the voters should be respected.
Read more about GOP Gov. Parson’s attempts to block fair redistricting in Missouri:
Columbia Daily Tribune: Gov. Parson weighs in on Missouri redistricting battle
Missouri politicians need to hear again from voters whether they meant what they did in 2018 to limit partisan influence in designing legislative districts, Gov. Mike Parson said Thursday.
Parson, a Republican, first called for changes to the measure soon after it was passed by voters.
“I don’t have a problem with the people going back and saying, yeah, this what we said, you guys,” Parson said to editors and publishers assembled at the Governor’s Mansion for the annual Missouri Press Association and The Associated Press Day at the Capitol.
State Auditor Nicole Galloway, a Democrat planning to challenge Parson in November, said she sees no need to change the constitutional provisions approved by voters.
Galloway said that Republicans, who have overwhelming majorities in both legislative chambers, want to preserve their advantage. Right after it was approved by voters, she noted, Republican leaders began criticizing the result, saying voters were misled and too focused on other parts of the initiative to understand the redistricting issue.
“Why were voters so smart when they voted these guys into office, but not so smart when they voted on taking care of a problem in their government, like Clean Missouri,” Galloway said during a separate session with the journalists. “So I do think the will of the voters should be respected.”
The amendment was not confusing, Galloway said.
“The ballot language made it clear what the amendment was going to do,” she said.