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Eight Republican Governors Come Out Against New Trumpcare Bill as Rauner Abdicates Leadership

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Rauner is One of Two Republican Governors of “Clinton-Won” States Not Fighting Bill

As the U.S. Senate moves closer to a vote on the Graham-Cassidy health care overhaul, Rauner continues to take a back seat on the issue, putting political considerations ahead of Illinois families. This morning’s Sun-Times Editorial enumerated the consequences for Illinois, like the $153 billion the state will lose out on over 16 years. The Sun-Times also wrote: “Dismayingly, Gov. Bruce Rauner was not among a bipartisan group of 10 governors who sent a letter asking Congress to back away from the bill.”
A full review shows Governor Rauner is even more of an outlier than that. As of this morning, eight Republican governors have come out against Graham-Cassidy:

Except for Governor Kasich, all the governors listed are executives of “Clinton-won” states. The only governors missing of that category are Governor Paul LePage, a close Trump ally who supports the overhaul, and Governor Bruce Rauner.
He truly is one of a kind.
“Bruce Rauner’s abdication of leadership is truly unique,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Governors all across the country are actively fighting the latest and worst attempt by President Donald Trump to destroy health care, that is except for Bruce Rauner. Time and time again he has failed to show leadership on issues that might hurt his reelection campaign. Bruce Rauner is lucky that cowardice doesn’t count as a pre-existing condition. But Illinois families with pre-existing conditions could face skyrocketing premiums under the Cassidy-Graham bill.”
