Would Ed Gillespie Defund Planned Parenthood in Virginia?

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New Trump Law Allows States to Cut Funding; Would Gillespie Cut Planned Parenthood If Elected? 

Today, President Donald Trump signed legislation making it possible for states to withhold reimbursements to Planned Parenthood. This decision means the next governor of Virginia will determine whether or not women’s health services get funded.

Governor Terry McAuliffe has vetoed multiple legislative attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. The question is: would Ed Gillespie sign a law to defund Planned Parenthood?

Both of Gillespie’s opponents, Corey Stewart and Frank Wagner, have said they would defund the health care provider. Gillespie has defended federal cuts to Planned Parenthood but has not commented on Virginia legislation.

We already know that Corey Stewart and Frank Wagner are in lockstep with Trump’s cuts to women’s health, but Ed Gillespie won’t to tell voters where he stands,” said Democratic Governors Association Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Virginians deserve to know if their next governor will slash funding for women’s health. Ed Gillespie has dodged the question long enough.” 



Stewart Pledged to “Work to Defund Planned Parenthood.” According to Stewart’s campaign Facebook, “As your governor, I will NEVER apologize for being pro-life and I will ALWAYS stand up to Planned Parenthood. #ProLife #TeamCorey #MVGA” [Facebook, Corey Stewart, 1/27/17]

Wagner Voted to Defund Planned Parenthood. According to the Virginia Legislative Information System, Frank Wagner voted in favor of HB 1090, a bill pertaining to the “expenditure of funds related to abortions and family planning services.” The bill passed the Senate 21-19. [Virginia Legislative Information System, HB 1090, 3/7/16] 

  • HB 1090 Would Cut Off State Funding for Programs or Facilities that Offer Abortions. According to WTVR, “In a swipe at Planned Parenthood, the House on Tuesday passed a bill to prohibit the Virginia Department of Health from funding clinics that provide abortions except in the case of rape or incest or if the mother’s life is endangered. Delegates voted 64-35 along party lines for House Bill 1090, which would cut off state funding for programs or facilities that offer abortions that would not be reimbursed under Medicaid, a federal-state program for low-income Americans. Republicans supported the measure; Democrats opposed it. The bill, sponsored by Del. Benjamin Cline, R-Amherst, states, ‘The Department shall not enter into a contract with, or make a grant to, any entity that performs abortions that are not federally qualified abortions or maintains or operates a facility where non-federally qualified abortions are performed.’” [WTVR, 2/16/16]

Gillespie Defended Romney’s Promise to Cut Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood. According to Talking Points Memo, “Top Romney adviser Ed Gillespie defended the candidate’s promise to cut federal funding of Planned Parenthood if elected president on Fox News Sunday. ‘It’s not fair to say that not having federal funding for Planned Parenthood is defunding Planned Parenthood,’ Gillespie said.” [Talking Points Memo, 4/15/12]