Doug Mastriano Doing “Great Disservice to Voters” by Refusing to Answer Questions

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Pennsylvanians continue to call out Doug Mastriano for refusing to attend debates or answer questions about his extreme stances. In a new opinion article for PennLive, columnist John Baer highlights some key questions Mastriano must address.

Here are some questions Baer says Mastriano must answer: 

  • If, as Mastriano has said, abortion is his “number one issue,” and he believes in a total ban with no exceptions, including life of the mother, shouldn’t he make the case? Answer questions?
  • Then there’s the question of why he’d allow his campaign to associate in any way with the far-right social media platform Gab, whose founder espouses an “exclusively Christian” conservative movement, and whose website received antisemitic posts from a gunman who killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018. Mastriano’s campaign paid $5,000 for ads on the site.
  • I’d also question him on climate change, LBGTQ rights, why gay marriage should be illegal, his evidence for disputing the 2020 election…

Baer wrote that Mastriano’s refusal to answer questions or appear in debates is “a great disservice to voters” and “If he wants to govern a state and speak for its people, all of its people, he also should stand for questions.”
