Doctor! Bruce Rauner Burned for His Silence on Trumpcare

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Rauner is “Reviewing” Trumpcare Bill that is Little Different from Earlier Version, Only Meaner

Yesterday, the US Senate released their version of Trumpcare which was immediately labeled as somehow “meaner” than the original House version. The Sun-Times wrote “Illinois would get hammered even harder.” And Governor Rauner forcefully came out to say the Senate bill was “still being reviewed.” Look out!
Rauner stands alone in his silence; at least six Republican governors did not share Rauner’s commitment to reflection and immediately warned the bill would cut devastate Medicaid and cut much needed state funding.
Rauner’s political silence on an issue that would affect the health and lives of millions earned him a strong rebuke from the press. The Sun-Times titled an editorial, “Senate GOP health care bill hammers Illinois, while Rauner is AWOL.”
“And it is the same old Bruce Rauner. When we asked the governor’s office Thursday for his reaction to the Senate bill, we were told he has to ‘take a look at it.’ But the Senate bill holds no secrets; it’s the House bill in different wrapping paper.
“The governor has been disappointing in his reluctance to take a firm stand… It is hard to imagine that a more hands-on governor of the past, such as Jim Thompson or Jim Edgar, would not be weighing in more forcefully, fighting for their state. Other governors are doing just that.”
Lynn Sweet of the Sun-Times said Rauner was “abdicating his responsibilities to the people of the State of Illinois by his silence” and asked, “Does Rauner have any guiding principles on health care insurance?”
“The Senate Republicans released their health care insurance draft bill on Thursday — the House version to overhaul Obamacare passed in May — and once again, GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner isn’t doing much to make sure the final measure is good for Illinois.”
Rauner’s silence has not gone unnoticed by the public. WGN reported on a protest by the group Indivisible who called on Rauner to take a stand.
“Bruce Rauner is actively insulting Illinois families by refusing to show any leadership in the Trumpcare debate,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Trumpcare will mean higher premiums for the middle-class and elderly while stripping protections for pre-existing conditions. Illinois residents expect their Governor to fight for their interests, but Bruce Rauner has chosen a path of political expediency over the people. Bruce Rauner’s silence means the state will fare worse on Trumpcare, and Illinois will keep falling backwards under his failed leadership.”
