Did Dave Reichert Vote for Trump in Washington’s Primary?

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Did Dave Reichert Vote for Trump in Washington’s Primary?

After Washington voters cast their ballots in the state’s presidential primary yesterday, former Congressman and candidate for governor Dave Reichert has continued to refuse to answer a simple question: did he cast his ballot for Donald Trump?

It wouldn’t be surprising if he did: in Congress, Reichert voted with Trump 92.5% of the time, embracing the former president’s extreme and harmful agenda to not only ban abortion, but voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, threatening access to health care for millions of Washingtonians. In 2017, Reichert even co-sponsored Trump’s tax scheme, slashing taxes for the wealthiest corporations while leaving America’s middle and working classes to pick up the slack.

In Congress, Reichert was described as an “anti-abortion stalwart” and repeatedly voted for an extreme abortion ban. He voted repeatedly to strip funds from Planned Parenthood, voted to strip members of the military from their reproductive rights while serving overseas, voted to allow pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for abortion medication, and voted to allow employers to make it harder for women to get birth control.

“Former Congressman Dave Reichert spent his time in DC as a rubber stamp for Trump’s extreme agenda that stripped women of their reproductive rights, threatened access to health care, and slashed taxes for the ultra-wealthy while burdening hard-working Washingtonians,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “He might not be willing to tell us who he voted for in the state’s primary, but Reichert’s track record proves where his loyalties lie: with Trump, not Washington families.”

