DGA Statement Regarding Today's Report On Bruce Rauner's Conduct Toward Female Employees
Democratic Governors Association spokesperson Rikeesha Phelon today issued the following statement regarding the Chicago Sun-Times report detailing Bruce Rauner’s conduct toward female employees at his outsourcing company:
“Today’s news of Bruce Rauner’s hostility toward a female executive and the indifference he displayed toward a possible instance of assault of a female secretary raise serious questions about his judgment and fitness to govern the state of Illinois. These revelations pull back the veil on the philosophy and temperament he’d bring to state government if allowed to operate it like one of his businesses.
“If Rauner would protect perpetrators of violence against women for his financial benefit and even threaten the well-being of a woman and her family to protect his company’s bottom line, imagine what he’s capable of if granted the powers of the governorship. Just like the people who worked for Rauner, it’s clear that the people of Illinois simply can’t trust him.”