DGA Statement on the Results of the Virginia Gubernatorial Election

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The following is a statement by DGA Executive Director Noam Lee on the results of the Virginia governor’s race:

“Terry McAuliffe ran a strong, positive campaign focused on the issues that matter most. The central goal of his campaign — to build a better Virginia that works for everyone — resonated with voters, and despite the outcome, we saw that reflected in last night’s close results.

“Unfortunately, Virginia’s long-standing trend of electing a governor from the opposite party of the president continues. Sidestepping the issues that mattered to voters, the GOP lied and schemed to hide their candidate’s extreme positions, and their far-right agenda won out. 

“The DGA remains committed to advancing the optimistic vision that Terry McAuliffe championed — in Virginia and across the country. While this loss is a setback in moving forward, it will only energize the DGA to continue to fight to and expand our coalition of Democratic governors.”