DGA Statement on Senate Health Care Vote

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Today, DGA Chair Gov. Dan Malloy (D-CT) and DGA Vice Chair Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) released the following joint statement on the proposed Senate vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“The proposal for health care repeal without any alternative is simply a disaster for states,” said Malloy and Inslee. “It would wreck state budgets, hike premiums and kick even more people off of their insurance. It’s no wonder that senators and governors are both rejecting this failed plan.

“Unfortunately, the Trump Administration is already causing significant instability in states’ health insurance marketplaces. Congress should work with all governors to strengthen insurance markets and lower costs for consumers. And by now it should be clear: Medicaid cuts – which would cause massive harm to our citizens and our state budgets – are off the table. It’s time for President Trump and Congress to stop sabotaging our states’ health care systems, and to start working on real bipartisan solutions for American citizens.”
