DGA Statement on Senate Health Care Vote

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DGA Chair Gov. Dan Malloy (D-CT) and DGA Vice Chair Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) released the following joint statement today on the Senate Republican failure to pass their health care plan: 
“This morning, millions of Americans are breathing a sigh of relief, after the failure of the reckless Congressional Republican health care bill,” said Malloy and Inslee. “A bipartisan coalition rejected a bill that would have caused skyrocketing premiums, massive coverage losses, and increased costs to states. Make no mistake: This bill failed because the American people, and America’s governors, stood up to this dangerous proposal.
“Democratic governors stand ready to work on a bipartisan plan to stabilize insurance markets, lower health care costs and protect Medicaid coverage. Any plan that moves forward should be debated in a bipartisan manner and with the input of governors around the country. And as we work toward bipartisan solutions, President Trump should immediately halt all efforts to sabotage insurance markets for political purposes.”
