DGA Statement on Scott Walker’s Special Election Defeat
Tonight, DGA Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson released the following statement on Scott Walker’s latest defeat in Wisconsin special elections:
“Tonight’s special election win for Democrats in Wisconsin is more bad news and yet another ‘wake up call’ for Scott Walker, and he knows it. That’s why he was willing to break the law to avoid these elections being held at all. Tonight’s massive swing in a district that went for Trump by 18 points in 2016 and Walker by 23 in 2014 shows voters are ready for change after eight years of Walker putting politics above people.
“Wisconsinites are sick of Scott Walker’s agenda that has favored special interests and his political cronies at the expense of Wisconsin’s roads and schools. They want a governor who won’t put personal ambition above the needs of working families, and that’s why Scott Walker is in trouble in November.”