DGA Statement on Ned Lamont’s Primary Victory in Connecticut

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Tonight, Democratic Governors Association Chair Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) released the following statement on Ned Lamont’s primary victory in Connecticut:
“Congratulations to Ned Lamont on his primary victory in Connecticut,” said Inslee. “Ned has spent his career running small businesses and putting people to work. He has what it takes to move Connecticut forward with a fair economy that supports workers and builds the middle class. As governor, Ned will bring those skills to help Connecticut attract good jobs, invest in schools, and protect the environment.
“Connecticut Republican candidates have spent the entire primary pledging their undying loyalty to Donald Trump. Ned Lamont is the only candidate in this race who will stand up to Donald Trump when his policies hurt Connecticut, and govern with strong principles that will create a bright future for Connecticut. This November, voters will have a clear choice between Connecticut values and Trump values.”