DGA Statement on Mike DeWine Winning the Ohio GOP Primary for Governor

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DGA Executive Director Noam Lee released the following statement on Mike DeWine winning the GOP primary for governor of Ohio:

“A million dollars from the RGA may have been enough to bail Gov. Mike DeWine out of this divisive Republican primary, but it won’t mean the deep problems he has with his own party will go away. DeWine spent almost five million dollars on this race so far, and he’s still the same out-of-touch politician who has failed Ohioans time and time again.

“Under DeWine, Ohio leads the nation in public corruption, his harmful budget took $300 million in public funds and sent it to private schools, and he’s made Ohio less safe by making it easier for criminals to access guns with permitless carry legislation, which law enforcement opposed. It’s past time for new Democratic leadership in Ohio that will actually fight for everyday people.” 
