DGA Statement on Larry Hogan’s Nomination in Maryland

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Tonight, DGA Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson released the following statement on Governor Larry Hogan’s nomination in Maryland:
“Governor Hogan is running scared. Maryland Democrats are fired up and enthusiastic about electing a Democratic Governor who will stand up to President Trump and his dangerous agenda that hurts Maryland families. Governor Hogan has failed that test time and time again, refusing to stand up to Donald Trump and putting political allies and special interests ahead of the people of Maryland.
“Larry Hogan couldn’t be trusted to stand up to Trump when his budget threatened Maryland jobs, when his health care plan threatened Marylanders’ healthcare and when his tax scam threatened their pocketbooks. Hogan has undermined the state’s schools, broken his promise to keep and recruit major employers in the state, and repeatedly put his special interest political backers ahead of the people and small businesses of his state. Maryland deserves better.
“Maryland is one of the DGA’s top pickup opportunities this year, and we look forward to winning it back this fall.”



  • When other Republican Governors came out against Trump’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and his tax bill, Hogan stayed silent.
  • Maryland schools, which were best in the country five years in a row under a Democratic governor, have dropped every year Hogan has been in office.
  • After campaigning on keeping Fortune 500 companies in the state, Hogan became the first Maryland governor in decades to lose a Fortune 500 company when Discovery Communications announced that it would be leaving the state and taking 1,300 jobs with it.
  • A recent study from the Federal Reserve found Maryland to be the only state expected to see “economic activity deteriorate in the next six months.”