DGA Statement on Joe Lombardo Becoming the Republican Nominee for Governor of Nevada
DGA Executive Director Noam Lee released the following statement on Joe Lombardo securing the Republican gubernatorial nomination in Nevada:
“Joe Lombardo is a slippery politician who worked tirelessly to have it both ways on key issues — like refusing to say where he stands on abortion — and left Nevadans in the dark just to survive the far-right primary. With homicides off the charts, it’s no surprise that Lombardo tried to cover up his terrible record of corruption and failed leadership — but now that voters have seen the truth, there’s nowhere left to hide.
“Lombardo is running on out-of-touch policies with a deeply divided base. Even as results come in tonight, it’s clear that Lombardo is failing to unify Republican support behind his candidacy. The DGA will continue to expose his record of failing Nevadans as we work to defeat him this November.”