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DGA Statement on Jeff Colyer Announcing His Campaign to Drag Kansas Back to the Failed Brownback Era

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The Democratic Governor Association is calling out Jeff Colyer’s campaign announcement as nothing more than an attempt to try to drag Kansas back to the failed and deeply unpopular Brownback era. 

Before losing a Republican primary to national embarrassment Kris Kobach, Colyer was former Governor Sam Brownback’s right-hand man. The Brownback/Colyer administration was deeply unpopular for its failed tax experiment that destroyed the state’s economy and forced Kansas families to face harmful cuts to public education, health care, and infrastructure projects, along with threats to retirement savings.   

“The only Kansan happy about Jeff Colyer’s announcement today is Sam Brownback. Together, both failed former governors spent nearly a decade overseeing their disastrous tax experiment that ran the economy into the ground, slashed public education and cut health care. That’s the last thing anyone in Kansas from either political party wants to return to,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “But it ultimately doesn’t matter whether or not Colyer suffers another embarrassing primary loss like he did in 2018. Kansans are excited to continue standing by Governor Laura Kelly. She’s a proven, bipartisan leader who has kept families safe during this pandemic, while prioritizing protecting public education, growing the economy and expanding access to affordable health care.”