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DGA Statement on Governor Rauner Being Shamed Into Calling Charlottesville Events “Terrorism”

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The following statement can be attributable to Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro:
“Citizens look to their governors for strength and understanding in trying times, and they need to know their governor will clearly denounce hateful and racist actions and not shy away from calling terrorism what it is. Today, Bruce Rauner failed as governor.”
“This morning, Governor Bruce Rauner refused to call the actions of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville terrorism. Rauner clarified his remarks hours later only after being shamed into it. This is an unacceptable failure to lead by Governor Bruce Rauner. Like many members of his party, Rauner should have forcefully denounced this horrific violence as terrorism from the start. Instead he stuck to political talking points.”