DGA Statement on Governor Gavin Newsom’s Victory in California

From the Chair’s Desk

The following is a statement by DGA Chair Roy Cooper on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s reelection in California:

“Congratulations to Gov. Gavin Newsom on his reelection as governor of California. With this win, Gavin can continue the work of his previous term, leading with compassion to push the Golden State toward a more equitable and sustainable future.

“Gavin has a track record of creating sweeping reforms that have improved the lives of Californians, putting money back in their pockets, protecting women’s reproductive rights, providing access to affordable housing, and funding the state’s public education system. Gavin has proven himself as a leader who can navigate crises to protect democracy, the environment and diversity within the state. 

“The DGA was proud to support Gov. Newsom and his campaign, and we look forward to four more years of progressive leadership in California.”
