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DGA Statement on Governor-Elect Katie Hobbs’ Victory in Arizona

From the Chair’s Desk

DGA Chair North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper released the following statement on Governor-Elect Katie Hobbs’ win in Arizona:

“Congratulations to Governor-Elect Katie Hobbs on her victory in the Arizona gubernatorial election. Katie has a track record as a compassionate and experienced leader who will push Arizona toward progress. As governor, Katie will continue her commitment to serving all Arizonans and fighting for families on key issues — bringing down costs, investing in education, and protecting reproductive freedoms.

“The DGA looks forward to standing alongside Governor-Elect Hobbs as she begins her crucial work bringing bold and innovative solutions to Arizona’s most complex challenges.

“With the victory tonight, Democratic governors have netted a pick up of two governor’s seats, defying expectations and making history with the best midterm results for any president’s party since 1986. These races serve as a blueprint on how to win tough races across America. Strong candidates laser-focused on the issues their states cared about most, combined with record-breaking investment from the DGA, made sure voters understood the stakes this year. 

“These governors demonstrated they will protect your pocketbook, your freedoms, and the foundation of our democracy, and I’m proud to serve alongside them.”
