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DGA Statement on Governor Andy Beshear’s Victory in Kentucky

From the Chair’s Desk

DGA Statement on Governor Andy Beshear’s Victory in Kentucky

Today, Democratic Governors Association Chair Gov. Phil Murphy released the following statement on Governor Andy Beshear’s victory in Kentucky’s gubernatorial race:

“Congratulations to Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear on his well earned victory tonight. Over the last four years, Gov. Beshear has shown his deep commitment to bringing people together and helping every Kentucky family on the biggest issues impacting their lives – from his steady and compassionate leadership during incredibly tough times to his record of growing the economy, protecting health care, improving public education and expanding voting rights.

“Gov. Beshear’s victory tonight also makes clear that voters across party lines want strong Democratic leaders who focus on a positive vision and lifting people up – instead of the division and anger we too often see from the other side.

“The DGA is very proud that we invested a new record of over $19 million in Kentucky to help Gov. Beshear cross the finish line and build on our record of winning critical races in some of the most challenging political environments. I look forward to seeing how Gov. Beshear will continue to deliver for Kentucky families in his second term.” 

