DGA Statement on Gianforte Entering MT Gov. Race

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DGA Statement on Gianforte Entering MT Gov. Race

Today, the Democratic Governors Association issued the following statement after Republican Greg Gianforte announced his candidacy in Montana’s race for governor:

“To learn Greg Gianforte’s real agenda for Montana, you just need to follow the money,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Gianforte has given more than $1 million to pro-discrimination groups whose agenda will drive jobs out of Montana. Greg Gianforte’s priorities have been clear: He’s focused on imposing his dangerous social agenda, not on jobs.

“Meanwhile, Governor Steve Bullock has focused on jobs and fiscal responsibility, and has delivered results for Montana,” Leopold continued. “Under Governor Bullock’s leadership, unemployment is down and Montana has been the most fiscally prudent state in the nation, according to J.P. Morgan. Montanans will have a clear choice on the ballot this year of whether to continue this economic progress or turn down a dangerous path of an out-of-touch social agenda.” 
