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DGA Statement on Filing Deadline in Mississippi Governor’s Race

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After yesterday’s filing deadline, the candidates in the competitive race for Mississippi governor are set and Tate Reeves has never been in more trouble – including facing deep problems with his own party.

First, Reeves will have to contend with a Republican primary challenger from Dr. John Witcher – who is known for starting an anti-mandate group with a large online following. At the same time, other top Mississippi Republicans are openly attacking Reeves, with Bill Waller Jr., a former MS Supreme Court chief justice and Reeves’ 2019 primary opponent, saying there’s a “​critical need for a change of leadership at the top,” and that Reeves’ lack of leadership is “undermining the fabric of this state.” 

This is on top of the fact that polling consistently shows Reeves is one of America’s least popular governors, as one poll says 57% of voters would support “someone else” as governor in 2023 — including 67% of independent voters and one third of Republicans.

DGA Executive Director Meghan Meehan-Draper released the following statement on Reeves’ party problems and deep-seated unpopularity:

“The people of Mississippi, whether they’re Democrats, Independents or Republicans, are fed up with Tate Reeves’ corruption and failures. Under his watch, Mississippi taxpayers are facing the largest public corruption scandal in state history while good job opportunities, health care, and clean water continue to be out of reach for too many families. That’s why he’s one of the most unpopular governors in the country and set to facing a bruising, divisive challenge from his own party. Mississippi deserves new leadership that will actually put them first.”