DGA Statement on Dean Heller’s Entrance to Nevada Governor’s Race

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Today, former Senator Dean Heller announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor of Nevada.

Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Noam Lee released the following statement:

“Dean Heller is in this race to support his most important constituency — himself. Throughout his time in office, Heller let political convenience drive his actions rather than Silver State values. He sold out Nevada families’ access to health care for support from Donald Trump, backtracking on a key campaign promise he had made to voters. He backed a Trump nominee who had supported dumping nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain. Heller even voted for the Trump tax plan that hurt middle-class families. As Nevada continues to recover from the pandemic, Heller’s brand of spineless politics won’t cut it.

“Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak has always stood up for Nevadans. He’s delivered on campaign promises to expand access to health care, invest in public education, and make historic strides towards combating climate change. During the pandemic, Gov. Sisolak put lives and livelihoods above partisanship and made decisions based on facts and science. We look forward to working with Gov. Sisolak in his second term as he continues to move Nevada forward.”
