DGA Statement on Christie’s endorsement of Donald Trump

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DGA Statement on Christie’s endorsement of Donald Trump

Today, the Democratic Governors Association issued the following statement on New Jersey Gov. and former Republican Governors Association Chair Chris Christie’s endorsement of presidential candidate Donald Trump:

“Chris Christie and Donald Trump are a perfect match,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “It’s no surprise that the governor with 9 credit downgrades has joined forces with the presidential candidate with 4 bankruptcies. Chris Christie is an excellent national spokesman for Republican governors who put personal politics over solutions for their states. 

“Now that the former RGA Chairman has endorsed Trump, it’s time for Republican candidates for governor to come out of the shadows and declare whether they’ll support Trump as the Republican nominee. So far, the silence on Trump from candidates like Pat McCrory and Chris Sununu has been yuuge.”


NEW HAMPSHIRE – In February 2016, When Asked About Donald Trump, Sununu Said, “We Still Have Five Candidates Running for President and Whether it’s Donald Trump or Any of the Others, Right Now I’m Focused On My Race for Governor.” According to NH1, “Asked by NH1 News if having Trump at the top of the ticket would help or hurt his bid for trying to capture the open gubernatorial seat, Chris Sununu demurred. ‘We’re still a long ways out. We’re barely into our fourth state in this process, so there’s still a lot more to be played. We still have five candidates running for president and whether it’s Donald Trump or any of the others, right now I’m focused on my race for governor,” he said. “Who and how the presidential candidate plays into this race, we’re still a ways out. And that remains to be seen.’” [NH1, 2/25/16

NORTH CAROLINA – In December 2015 Pat McCrory was “Flattered” By Ann Coulter’s Suggestion that He Should Be Trump’s Vice President Pick. According to the Charlotte Observer, “Conservative provocateur Ann Coulter tweeted this scenario on Tuesday: ‘Here’s the Gov I was talking about in podcast as possible Trump VP: Gov Pat McCrory. Read this—you’ll love him!’ […] McCrory, of course, is busy running for re-election right now. The response from his campaign was polite. ‘The governor is flattered but committed to making North Carolina a better place to live, work and raise a family,’ said Billy Constangy, McCrory’s campaign manager.” [Charlotte Observer, 12/25/15
