DGA Statement on Chris Sununu’s Nomination in New Hampshire

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Tonight, Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson released the following statement on Governor Chris Sununu’s nomination in New Hampshire:
“Over the past two years, Chris Sununu has made it clear at every turn that he puts special interests and Republican party politics ahead of the needs of the Granite State’s working families and small businesses. Whether it’s calling family and medical leave a ‘vacation,’ undercutting New Hampshire’s clean energy economy, or backing President Trump’s plan to take away health care from thousands, Sununu’s record puts him out of step with the people of his state. New Hampshire voters are ready for a change.” 
Sununu Referred To Paid Family And Medical Leave As “Vacation.” According to Seacoastonline, “The two Democrats running for governor took aim at Republican Gov. Chris Sununu and gently traded barbs with each other as they faced off in front of city voters with less than two weeks to go until the state’s Sept. 11 primary. The candidates – former state Sen. Molly Kelly of Harrisville and former Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchand – also covered some new ground as they took part Wednesday night in a gubernatorial forum organized by the Portsmouth Democrats and held at the city’s public library. Kelly quickly teed off on the governor, who’s running this year for a second two-year term steering the state. In her opening statement Kelly reiterated her support for a paid family medical leave bill and criticized Sununu for referring to the measure as ‘vacation’ at a forum earlier this week.” [Seacoastonline, 8/29/18]
Sununu Vetoed Two Clean Energy Bills “Designed To Support Biomass And Solar Energy.” According to the Union Leader, “Sununu vetoed the two bills designed to support biomass and solar energy in June, citing their expected cost and stating they’d send New Hampshire ‘in exactly the wrong direction.’ Senate Bill 365 would require Eversource and other distribution utilities to pay above-market rates to the state’s six biomass (wood-burning) power plants, the cost of which is passed along to consumers in their electric bills.Senate Bill 446 would expand the state’s net metering program, which requires utilities to buy electricity from solar energy generators at above-wholesale rates, to large-scale solar projects. The bill would have raised qualifying net meter solar projects from 1 megawatt to 5 megawatts.” [Union Leader, 9/6/18]
Concord Monitor: “Sununu Says He’s Happy Obamacare Repeal Is Moving Forward.” [Concord Monitor, 5/5/17]

  • Sununu Was “Upbeat” Following “News that the Republican-Led U.S. House of Representatives Passed Their Effort to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act.” According to the Concord Monitor, “Gov. Chris Sununu was upbeat Friday morning with the news that the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed their effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. ‘I love the idea that Congress is taking action, the president is taking action,’ he said. ‘They’re listening to the American people and they’re moving the ball forward.’” [Concord Monitor, 5/5/17]