DGA Statement on Bill Schuette’s Primary Victory in Michigan
Tonight, Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson released the following statement on Attorney General Bill Schuette’s gubernatorial nomination in Michigan:
“Bill Schuette emerges from Michigan’s GOP primary as a broken candidate nominated by a divided party. Throughout this primary, Republicans have attacked Bill Schuette for his record of looking out for himself and his cronies to the detriment of Michigan families. Republicans like Rick Snyder and Brian Calley are right: Bill Schuette is a politician who’s only out for himself and he’d be a terrible governor for Michigan.
“Bill Schuette promised to roll back Medicaid, ripping away healthcare from seniors and families. He spent his primary sucking up to Donald Trump, even when the President threatened to do away with protections for pre-existing conditions. And he’s been more concerned with playing national politics than fixing Michigan’s roads, schools and water. Simply put, Michiganders cannot trust Bill Schuette to stand up for them and their families.”