DGA Releases New Video, “Slow The Testing Down”

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Today, the Democratic Governors Association released a new video, “Slow The Testing Down.”

President Trump made it clear he was serious when he said he asked his staff to “slow the testing down,” but public health experts say testing is paramount to safely reopening the country. Democratic governors are following the lead of public health officials and working to ramp up testing capacity in their states. But without a strong ally in the federal government, states are left to fend for themselves. Democratic governors are protecting lives, while Trump is only trying to protect his political career.

“President Trump is undermining our nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and playing political games with American lives,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Public health experts agree testing is key to combating the pandemic and reopening our economy safely, and Democratic governors are following their lead and working to ramp up testing in their states. It’s time for the president to support increased testing and be a true ally to states in their fight to control the pandemic – before it’s too late.”

You can watch the video here.