DGA Releases New Video, “Rewind”

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Today, the Democratic Governors Association released a new video, “Rewind.”

With less than two weeks to go until election day, Mike Parson has been trying desperately to rewrite history on his abysmal handling of the pandemic, saying he’s been protecting Missourians “from day one.” The new video rolls the tape back to day one, showing Missourians how the Parson pandemic got so out of hand. 

From day one, Parson has failed Missourians on COVID-19, refusing to let facts and science guide his response and putting partisanship above public health.

At the beginning of March, Parson ignored pleas from doctors and local leaders to implement COVID-19 restrictions in the state. Since then, Parson has continued to ignore public health officials’ recommendations, refusing to mandate masks in Missouri – despite warnings from the White House Coronavirus Task Force that the state is in a vulnerable position heading into the winter.

Parson also came under fire for not having a plan for schools, declaring children who contracted COVID-19  would just “get over it,” and for failing to report accurate data on the state’s COVID-19 dashboard, which is used to guide public health decisions. Without accurate data, the state is flying blind in the pandemic.

Parson’s failure to take the pandemic seriously has proved costly – more than 164,000 Missourians, including him, his wife, and over 1,800 state employees, have tested positive for the virus. According to Mike Parson, the virus isn’t a big deal, “life goes on.” Tell that to the more than 2,000 Missourians who have lost their lives to COVID-19.

With the pandemic still spreading unchecked through Missouri, the state is clearly in need of new leadership.

Watch the video here.

“From day one, Mike Parson has failed to take decisive action on the pandemic,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Christina Amestoy. “If you roll the tape, it’s clear Parson’s refusal to follow the advice of public health experts and mandate masks has put the state in a vulnerable position. It’s time for Missourians to move forward and move on from Mike Parson.”