DGA Releases New Video “Protect The Last Best Place”

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Today, the Democratic Governors Association released a new video, “Protect The Last Best Place.” 

Montana’s public lands are under attack from outsiders like New Jersey millionaire Greg Gianforte, who sued Montana taxpayers to block access to a fishing spot on the East Gallatin River. But Lt. Gov Mike Cooney is fighting back – he slammed Gianforte at a press conference this week for working to block access to public lands. Gianforte has spent his time in Congress introducing bills to strip protections from 700,000 acres of public lands and now he wants to pretend that he’s a public lands champion. No dice. 

Lt. Gov Cooney, on the other hand, has spent his life protecting access to Montana’s public lands, and has unveiled a “Protect the Last Best Place” plan to protect and expand a key part of Montana’s heritage and economy.

“Greg Gianforte has sued Montanans to block them from accessing public lands and introduced legislation that would strip protections from 700,000 acres of Montana’s natural heritage.” said DGA National Press Secretary Jerusalem Demsas. “Greg Gianforte cannot be trusted to safeguard what makes Montana ‘The Last Best Place’. He’s made it clear he wants to destroy it.”

You can watch the video here