DGA Releases New Video, “Names“
Today the Democratic Governors Association released a new video, “Names.”
The video highlights Gov. Matt Bevin’s record of insults hurled at Kentucky teachers. During Saturday’s debate, Bevin lied and said he never called teachers names. Well, he did. Bevin said teachers were throwing a temper tantrum, said they had a thug mentality, compared teachers to drowning victims, and called teachers selfish.
“Matt Bevin can’t rewrite his record of insults he’s thrown at Kentucky teachers and working families,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “This video will remind Kentuckians to see through Bevin’s lies and look at his record of putting down their neighbors, friends, and family members. Kentuckians will put an end to Bevin’s bullying once and for all on November 5th.”
Watch the new video here