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DGA Releases New Video Highlighting Gov. Chris Sununu’s Trumpian Vetoes

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Today, the Democratic Governors Association released a new video highlighting New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu’s Trumpian vetoes. 

With his vetoes, Sununu, a self-proclaimed “Trump guy through and through,” governs just like his mentor Donald Trump. Sununu vetoed a minimum wage increase while taking a $31,000  pay raise for himself. Likewise, Trump has said he thinks a low minimum wage is “not a bad thing for this country.” Sununu also vetoed a women’s health bill – supporting Trump’s belief that women should be punished for seeking reproductive health care services. Sununu, following Trump’s lead, also vetoed bills to expand renewable energy at a time when climate change threatens our very existence.

It’s time for Granite Staters to fight back.

“The Trump-Sununu agenda is standing in the way of a better life for all New Hampshire families,” said DGA National Press Secretary Jerusalem Demsas. “Chris Sununu has used his veto power to block progress on an increased minimum wage, access to reproductive health care, and advances in renewable energy. While Trump is only on the ballot once, Granite Staters will have the opportunity to vote against his agenda twice when they reject Trump and Sununu this November.”

You can watch the video here.