DGA Releases New Video, “Blue Kentucky”

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Today, the Democratic Governors Association released a new video, “Blue Kentucky,” highlighting Governor-Elect Andy Beshear’s victory Tuesday night.
The video features news shows and Gov-Elect Beshear’s victory night speech. On election night Beshear said, “To our educators, your courage to stand up and fight against all the bullying and name calling helped galvanize our entire state.”
“We are incredibly proud of our efforts to elect Andy Beshear the next governor of Kentucky,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “This video should show every person that it is possible for Democrats to win in every state—even red states—if they focus on the issues voters care about.” 
Watch the video here

The DGA is proud to have invested nearly $5.5 million to help elect Governor-Elect Beshear, making us the largest investor by far. For more on the DGA’s outlook on the race, you can read our memo here.