DGA Launches ‘Wrong Way Laxalt’ Website

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Laxalt Announcing for NV-GOV, Would Drag Nevada to the Far-Right

 Today, the DGA announced the launch of WrongWayLaxalt.com, in advance of Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s announcement of his candidacy for Nevada governor.

WrongWayLaxalt.com is design to inform Nevada residents about the ultra-conservative positions Laxalt took as  attorney general and his far-right vision for the future of Nevada. He would restrict Nevadans’ access to health care, cut funding for public schools, eliminate renewable energy jobs, and undermine LGBTQ equality. Instead of protecting the interests of Nevadans, Laxalt only looks out for his far-right donors and political cronies.

The site can be viewed HERE:

“Adam Laxalt is a far-right ideologue who would move Nevada far to the right,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Nevada deserves a governor focused on creating jobs and making progress for working families. Wrong Way Laxalt would focus on serving his political agenda, not the people of Nevada.”