DGA Launches ‘Schuette’s Off Duty’ Website

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Schuette Announcing for MI-GOV, Has Failed to Protect Michigan Families

Today, the DGA announced the launch of SchuettesOffDuty.com, in advance of Attorney General Bill Schuette’s announcement of his candidacy for Michigan governor.
SchuettesOffDuty.com is designed to provide Michigan residents with information about Schuette’s real record as attorney general. During his two terms, Schuette has consistently put special interests and political insiders ahead of the people of Michigan. Whether it was his mismanagement surrounding the Flint water crisis, his negligence with abusive veterans homes, or his waste of taxpayer money on political lawsuits, Schuette has proven he’s off duty for everyday Michiganders.
The site can be viewed HERE
“Attorney General Bill Schuette is asking Michigan for a promotion, but he’s failed the state as attorney general,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Bill Schuette is only on duty for special interests and political cronies. When it comes to Michigan families, Bill Schuette’s been off duty.”
