DGA Launches New Video in Kansas: “Double Down”

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Kobach Will Bring Back Brownback’s Disastrous Tax Plan, and Go Even Further

In light of Kris Kobach’s nomination in Kansas last night, the Democratic Governors Association launched a new web video “Double Down” to highlight Kobach’s promises to restore the Brownback tax plan and make even more cuts to education, transportation, and health care than Brownback did.
The Brownback “experiment” was complete and total failure, yet Kobach has pledged to double down on the same policies that wreaked havoc on the state for the last eight years. Kansans can’t afford four more years of Brownback economics under Kris Kobach.
Watch the video here:

“Kris Kobach wants to double down on the failed policies of Sam Brownback, and that would be terrible news for Kansas’ schools and roads,” said DGA Spokesman Alex Japko. “Kansas families desperately want to move on from the Brownback years, but Kobach would drag the state backwards. Laura Kelly is the only candidate who will move Kansas beyond the Brownback nightmare.”
