DGA Launches New Video in CT: Trump Lovefest

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Today, Voters Choose Between 5 GOP Gov Candidates. All 5 Have Embraced Trump.

Today, in honor of election day, the Democratic Governors Association launched a new web video “Trump Lovefest” in Connecticut to highlight the GOP governor candidates’ total support for President Trump.
First Selectman Tim Herbst, David Stemerman, Mayor Mark Boughton, Bob Stefanowski, and Steve Obsitnik have embraced the president and his policies throughout the primary. All five asked Trump to campaign with them. All five gave Trump an A grade on his first 18 months in office. And just last weekend, all five praised his policies, and refused to criticize his character.
It’s a lovefest alright, and we have the video to prove it. Watch it here:

“No matter who wins today, Connecticut Republicans will end up with a Trump ally as their nominee,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Connecticut deserves a governor who will stand up to Trump, not someone like these GOP candidates who shower him with love.”
