DGA Launches New ‘Trumpcare Tracker’ Website

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TrumpcareTracker.com Helps Voters Follow GOP Gov Candidate Positions on Health Care Bill

Today, the Democratic Governors Association announced the launch of a new website, TrumpcareTracker.com, to help voters track Republican gubernatorial candidates’ stances on the U.S. Senate GOP health care bill.

The bill would mean a massive cost-shift to states, with $772 billion in Medicaid cuts, according to Monday’s Congressional Budget Office report. Democratic – and some Republican – governors have expressed concerns with the bill’s impact on states. 

Yet, many candidates for governor in 2017 and 2018 refuse to take a position. 43 of the 51 candidates featured on TrumpcareTracker.com have not yet taken a position. 

“This new tool allows voters to learn where their candidates stand on the Senate health care bill,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Republican candidates for governor have gone into hiding over health care. It’s time for them to emerge from their bunkers and admit where they stand on TrumpCare.”

The Republican health care bill threatens to kick millions of Americans off their insurance, raises premiums and prices out many people with pre-existing conditions. The Congressional Budget Office projects older, poorer and sicker Americans will suffer the worst.

Here’s where the governors and candidates stand as of today: 

  • 5 Support the Bill
  • 3 Oppose the Bill
  • 43 Have Not Taken a Position

The site will be updated to reflect when more candidates state their positions.