DGA Files Complaint in Florida Against Adam Putnam’s Committee

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DGA Calls For Investigation Into Florida Agriculture Commissioner’s Political Spending 

Today, Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson filed a complaint with the Florida Elections Commission calling for an investigation into Florida Grown PC, a political committee associated with Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam. A Miami Herald report and public records show the committee has repeatedly circumvented requirements to disclose the ultimate purpose of much of its spending.

Of the $9.4 million Florida Grown had raised, $1.8 million had been spent with Silloh Consulting, a firm owned by Justin Hollis, who also chairs Florida Grown. Hollis has admitted that his firm uses that money on additional services, but has failed to report them in disclosures.

Florida Grown’s current reporting scheme allows Adam Putnam to cloak his political activity in secrecy. Therefore, the DGA is requesting a full investigation into these expenditures and that proper remedial action is taken against Florida Grown PC.

“It’s time for Adam Putnam to come clean with Florida voters and reveal his secret campaign spending,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Adam Putnam’s campaign has funneled $1.8 million through a mysterious consulting firm, in apparent violation of Florida election disclosure law. It’s enough to make Florida voters wonder: What is Adam Putnam hiding?”

The full formal complaint can be viewed HERE.
