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DGA Chair Phil Murphy Statement Celebrating Medicaid Expansion Going into Effect in North Carolina

From the Chair’s Desk

DGA Chair Phil Murphy Statement Celebrating Medicaid Expansion Going into Effect in North Carolina 

DGA Chair Gov. Phil Murphy released the following statement to celebrate Medicaid expansion going into effect today in North Carolina.

“Thanks to Gov. Roy Cooper’s strong bipartisan leadership, 600,000 North Carolinians will now have access to health care through Medicaid expansion. This is a huge victory for North Carolina’s hardworking families that will not only save lives, but also create thousands of jobs and keep rural hospitals open across the state. “While Democratic governors remain committed to protecting and expanding access to health care, extremist Republicans running for governor in 2024 in North Carolina – and across the country – want to drag our country back by dismantling Medicaid expansion, threatening millions of Americans’ access to health care and jobs and jeopardizing the stability of our hospitals. We can’t let that happen. 

“The DGA was proud to back Gov. Cooper in both 2016 and 2020, and we thank him for his leadership that will no doubt save lives and improve the quality of life for North Carolinians.”

