DGA Chair Inslee’s Statement On Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination to the Supreme Court

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Today, DGA Chair Governor Jay Inslee released the following statement on President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court:
“The troubling direction of the Supreme Court makes electing Democratic governors even more important. The stakes in the 2018 elections just got higher – and voters need to turn out this November to elect state leaders who will stand up and protect their rights. 
“It should be our working assumption that Brett Kavanaugh will be a rubber-stamp on Donald Trump’s agenda of gutting health care, undoing 45-year-old precedent on a woman’s right to choose, and threatening civil rights and environmental protections. 
“As Americans raise their voices to stop this nominee in Washington, Democratic governors will continue to serve as the first line of defense on Americans’ rights in the Trump era.”