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DGA Chair Gov. Walz on MSNBC: “If you live in a state with a Democratic governor, your life has improved”

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DGA Chair Gov. Walz on MSNBC: “If you live in a state with a Democratic governor, your life has improved”

On Sunday, DGA Chair Gov. Tim Walz went on The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart and touted how America’s Democratic Governors are focused on improving lives, while Republicans are focused on threatening freedoms and stoking division.

Gov. Walz said, “People care deeply about reproductive rights. They care to make sure their children have food and school. They, the Republicans, they talk about freedom all the time. That means freedom to be in your bedroom, freedom to be in your exam room. We’re talking about freedom to not be shot at school.”

He also added: “I think that when we move policies that improve people’s lives, good politics follows good policy…Again, If you live in a state with a Democratic governor, your life has improved”

Here’s a link to the full interview.

