DGA Calls on Rauner to Return Funds from Mega-Donor Propping Up Alleged Child Predator Roy Moore

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Rauner Must Return $2.6 Million From Mega-Donor Richard Uihlein Bankrolling Pro-Roy Moore Super PAC 

Uihlein Has Spent Millions More Supporting Rauner’s In-State Allies

Yesterday, the Daily Beast reported Illinois businessman and mega-donor Richard Uihlein is the “chief financier” of a pro-Roy Moore Super PAC. Uihlein’s $100,000 donation is reportedly going to ads propping up Roy Moore, who has been accused by numerous women of sexual assault and harassment when they were underage. In light of this revelation, the Democratic Governors Association calls on Bruce Rauner to return all donations from Richard Uihlein. 

“Bruce Rauner must disavow the support of Richard Uihlein and return all donations received from him,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “The accusations of child predation against Roy Moore are abhorrent, and Rauner must disavow his relationship with anyone who supports Moore, including his mega donor allies. It’s no secret that Bruce Rauner has benefited greatly from Richard Uihlein’s backing, but his bankrolling of a Roy Moore Super PAC must be unacceptable.”  

In the 2014 cycle, Richard Uihlein donated $2.6 Million to Citizens for Rauner and another $350,000 to a “Rauner-allied group seeking to turn out the vote for Rauner by pushing a term-limits drive.” Uihlein has also propped up Rauner’s Illinois allies by sending millions to the Liberty Principles PAC and thousands to the Illinois Republican Party.